Gameplay Note

For the best experience, I highly suggest you play the downloadable version. If you experience any audio or framerate issues with the web-build the desktop version fixes that.

There should be no stuttering in the song!



WASD or arrow keys. That's it:)

The longer the bubble stays untouched, the more points you get when it pops! 


How the Sausage was made

I am the sole contributor. Made in 96 hours with Godot 4.2 for Interstellar Game Jam 6. The theme was Isolation. My inspiration from the theme was the soap-bubble. A growing bubble to keep isolated.

Everything was made by me except the music track and audio samples I used. What I did do for audio is dynamic mixing and post-processing (reverb, delay, sidechaining, etc.) at run-time based on the game-state. Notice how the music makes way for other sound effects during gameplay or becomes muted on the game-over screen. While on the game-over screen you should also try moving your mouse around quickly!

The typeface, bloom post-processing shader and camera-shake scripts were also created by me, albeit before the jam. The bloom shader is most noticable on the game-over screen. See the neon green glow around the retry button when hovered?  This whole game-over screen is more and more turning out to be an accidental tech demo... So that's also where the iridescence shader is the most prominent (first thing I made for the jam, never really got the soap bubble look down)!


Thanks to the fine folks over at Shiddy Game Club for playtesting. You know who you are <3

Updated 6 days ago
Published 8 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux, HTML5
Made withGodot
Tags72h, Arcade, Game Jam, isolation


Download 38 MB
Download 35 MB

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the visuals and shaders are stunning 0_0, cool vibe too, I love how polished it is.

Wow, thank you for the kind words!:)


So very well polished! I love the music and the crispness of the audio.


can you make a macos version? godot 4 doesnt work on web on macos at all (i think your using godot 4)

I’ll have a look at that tomorrow. I tried right now but encountered some issues.

From the Godot documentation a potential workaround is to use a different browser than Safari, let me know if that works:)