A downloadable font
A general purpose pixel-art font inspired by the frigid outside. Cool vibes.
The dimensions of the font are 8x5 pixels per character. However it can for most intents be considered a 7 tall font. This is because the extra space is reserved for symbols that benefit from it for ledgibility, like parentheses (so they visually enclose as many characters as possible), diacritics or particularly complex characters such as @ or §.
The numerals are designed to be monospaced and should line up nicely with each other.
You are free to use it in projects commercial or otherwise and modify it to suit your projects if need be. However, redistribution, reselling, etc. of the font or derivative fonts is not allowed.
Supported languages:
English |
Spanish |
Portuguese |
French |
German |
Italian |
Polish |
Dutch |
Swedish |
Danish |
Norwegian |
Finnish |
100+ more* |
*According to
Supported characters:
ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWX YZ abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwx yz 0123456789 "'''‚""„‹›«» 「」『』⟨〈〉⟩《⟪⟫》 ,;.:-–—_•…/\ ?!¿¡()[]{} $€¥£¢°º¹²³ |`^"´&*©®@# =+×<>~±÷¬%§¶ áâàäåãæçé êèëíîìïıñóôò öõøœšßúûùüýÿ žÂÀÄÅÃÆÇÉÊÈË ÍÎÌÏÑÓÔÒÖÕØŒ ŠÙÛÚÜÝŸ ÁĄĈĆČÐĐĘŁĿŃŐ ŚŰẂŴẀẄỲŶŽŹŻ ąĉćčðđęłŀńőś űŵẁẃẅŷỳźż
In order to download this font you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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